[Guide] Unlocking 120FPS

Step #1 - Download SQLite Browser
Firstly go to https://sqlitebrowser.org/dl/ to download the SQLite Browser application, and select the latest release which as of this post it's 3.12.2. Select the .zip (no installer) version of it since we will use it only once and then delete.
Once the download is done, extract the ZIP file anywhere on your PC
Step #2 - Open the application and navigate to the game folder
You can open the application by double clicking the DB Browser for SQLite.exe executable. You'll be greeted with a window that looks like this:
Go to File -> Open Database and navigate to the game folder, this will vary depending on where your game was installed. I installed it on the C:/ drive so I'll go to C:\Wuthering Waves\Wuthering Waves Game\Client\Saved\LocalStorage until you find a file called LocalStorage.db, open that file.
Step #3 - Selecting the table and finding the settings entry
Once you open the database, you will see some tabs called "Database Structure" and "Browse Data" among others. Select Browse Data and ensure on the "Table" dropdown that "LocalStorage" is selected.
Now use the Filter function or scroll down and search by eye the key called "GameQualitySetting," on my case it's on the row 16.
Step #4 - Editing the settings
Select the entry and focus on the right of your window, you will see an input with text in it like this:
Now simply search for "KeyCustomFrameRate" in the text and edit the value, in my case it's already set to 120. Please ensure that you only changed the number and didn't remove the double dots, or any quotes or the comma as that will make the data invalid. Once you've changed the value and ensured everything is okay, click "Apply".
After this just click the "X" at the top right to close the program and when it asks you if you want to save your changes, press "Save." And that will be all of what's needed to enable 120FPS in Wuthering Waves.